Supporting entrepreneurs and youth is our number one priority!!!
Supporting entrepreneurs and youth is our number one priority!!!
Signed in as:
The purpose of the C.O.R..E. Essentials Pre-employment Training Boot Camp is to prepare youth wishing to become gainfully employed with the necessary skills to not only obtain the job but keep the job..
The objectives of this curriculum is to prepare individuals for work as well as to promote job retention and advancement.
The training curriculum can be customized to your individual needs
Job Readiness Workshops
Making Career Decisions
Knowledge and Use of Labor Market Information
Preparing Resumes
Interpersonal Skills
Life Management Skills
Decision-Making Skills
Maintaining Good Attendance
Demonstrating Positive Attitudes and Behaviors
Presenting Appropriate Appearance
Civic Responsibility
Program Completion
Resume Building
Portfolio Construction
Cover Letter
Letters of Recommendation
Dream Big
It's never to young to learn financial management
Teaching our young people to dream big and making their dreams reality.
The Kidz Biz Training Program is a 6-week program that cultivates the entrepreneurial mindset in our future leaders and helps students launch their own businesses.
Through the program, students in grades 5-8 will learn how to turn their skills and interests into a profitable business idea! Students will have the opportunity to:
● Generate business ideas using their passions and skills
● Learn the basics of business finances (costs, price, revenue, profit, budgeting, taxes)
● Learn how to effectively market and sell products and services
● Connect with and learn from successful entrepreneurs across the Triad area
● Write a basic business plan
● Create a video for submission to be considered as a finalist in The Next Kidz Biz Competition
● Register the business with the state of North Carolina
● Participate in the Triad Minority and Women’s Business Expo and sell their products and/or services to the public!
For additional information please call our office at 336 448-4177
Total Concepts International Inc.
1922 South Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Suite 208 Winston-Salem, NC 27107 us